About us

Irrigation Management Division (IMD) established in 1984, implements the Integrated Management of Agriculture Settlement (INMAS) in 54 Major Irrigations. The main objective is to establish a self-reliant farming community in irrigated agricultural areas. It expects to implement participatory approach through active participation of beneficiaries and farmer representatives, while integrating state and non-governmental officials and private sector in order to achieve sustainable economic development of farming community of irrigation settlement by increasing the productivity of a unit of water.

This division is primarily responsible to establish and strengthen farmer-based institutions in major irrigation schemes in order to improve participatory operation and maintenance of irrigation sub system leading to increase agricultural production and productivity of unit of water. Through this it also enhance the knowledge and skills of farming community and uplift the livelihood.


  • Maximizing economic gains from a unit of irrigation water and unit of land.
  • Facilitate rational and equitable distribution of water among beneficiary farmers.
  • Establishing and strengthening institutional structures to increase the farmers.
  • Facilitate the functioning of operation and Maintenance processes optimally.
  • Increase agricultural productivity through improved coordination among beneficiaries’ state agencies and private entities.
  • Establish positive attitudes through enhancing knowledge and skills of farming community.
  • Strengthening support services of agriculture.
  • Enhancing self – reliance and self – management capacity of farming community.


  • Strengthening Project Management Committees / Farmer Organizations for management of common resources of irrigation areas.
  • Enhancing beneficiary contribution for irrigation water management.
  • Improving efficiency in irrigation sub system operation and maintenance.
  • Capacity Building of farming community.
  • Popularizing cultivation of perennial and other field crops in water irrigation systems.
  • Facilitate input supply and services for agriculture.
  • Facilitate and coordinate to enhance farmer family income.